On May 7th, Wharton welcomed 84 new alumni in the fourth commencement held on the West Coast. The new graduates of the MBA Program for Executives (MBA Exec) join Wharton’s strong regional base, with more than 5,500 alumni in California—including commencement speaker Kenneth Moelis, W’81, WG’81, President and Joint Global Head of Investment Banking at UBS Investment Bank. All 300 Wharton West MBA Exec alumni are invited to attend a Wharton West reunion to be held on November 4, 2006. Visit <www.wharton.upenn.edu/campus/wharton_west/> for details.

Alumni from all divisions were in attendance the next day (May 8th) to hear Wharton Undergraduate Dean Barbara Kahn when the Wharton 125 Faculty Tour rolled into San Francisco. For more Wharton 125 photos, including Charlotte, Washington, D.C., and Chicago, or to register for upcoming events in St. Louis, Philadelphia, Rio de Janeiro, London, Los Angeles, and Tokyo, visit www.wharton.upenn.edu/alumni/wharton125/events/.